1) If you have a glass eye, tap it w/ your pen occasionally while
talking to someone.
2) Buy large quantities of motion activated ribbitting frogs and set
them in various, unexpected places around your workplace.
3) Keep a permanent "fish face."
4) Highlight irrelevant information on scientific papers and "cc"
them to your boss.
5) Suddenly emerge from a corner w/ a mop and mutter
something about being a "demoted Grim Reaper."
6) Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch
paper, 99 copies, and hot pink paper.
7) Staple papers in the middle of the page.
8) Slowly disassemble your pen, describing your every action in
precise detail.
9) Pretend your computer mouse is a CB radio and talk to it.
10) Wear a "trainee" tag for 8 months.
11) While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a
12) Deliberately hum songs that will forever be lodged in co-
workers heads ("Feliz Navidad," "Sugar," etc...).
13) Put a framed picture of yourself on your desk.
14) Ask you co-workers mysterious questions and scribble their
answers in a little notebook, muttering something about
"psychological profiles."
15) Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
16) Find out where your boss shops and buy exactly the same
17) Always wear them the day after your boss wears them. (This is
especially effective if your boss is the opposite gender).
18) Send emails to the rest of your company to tell them what
you're doing. Ex: "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom."
19) Put mosquito netting around your cubicle.
20) Insist that your email address be:
21) Every time your boss asks you to do something, ask him if he'd
like fries w/ that.
22) Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "IN."
23) Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has
gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to expresso.
24) Every time your boss asks you to do something, w/ an edge on
your voice reply "Yes Master!" then in a hunch-backed manner,
limp away to set out on your task.
25) Answer the phone w/ "County Morgue. You slice 'em, we dice
Tons of Fun