1) She's alive?!
She's Nosferatu.
... she's Italian?!

2) Are you or are you not the Black Angel of Death?

3) I'm not a frenchy! I'm a Belgie!

4) A boy's best friend is his mother.

5) I'm asking you to marry me, you little fool!

6) Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?!

7) He deered to kill a king's dare!

8) The force is with you.... always.

9) Why is J. Edgar Hoover on your phone?!
I don't know! He's on everybody else's, why shouldn't he be on mine?!

10) Well, I'd say he's dead but that's purely an unprofessional opinion.

11) It is the American way.......what? oh.... It is the BRITISH way!

12) Welcome to my underground lair.

13) A man drowned in his bed?!

14) Baby, yer holdin' mah hand too tight.
Bobby Jo, I ain't holdin' yo hand.

15) Paris, the city of love is a-glowin' this evening..... True! It's because
it's on fire....

16) Memo to me; maim you after my meeting.

17) He looks as if he knows what I look like without my shimmey!

18) What's he got to lose?! Except my life savings, of course....!

19) Satan.
Call me Dad.

20) I can't watch! Can somebody cover my eyes?!

21) I'm only an elected official! I can't make decisions by myself!

22) Have you ever tried to keep warm on a C54 15,000 feet 20
degrees below zero?
Oh, I do it all the time.... whenever I have a few minutes after lunch.

23) You know, I used to read quite a bit when I was a girl.
Well, we all do strange things in our childhood....

24) Good night and happy dreams...which we will analyze at breakfast.

25) After all, they say a man's home is his castle.... I'm home, Castle!

26) They'll be coming for my head!
Well, darling, we just won't give it to them!

27) I do hope you've forgotten all about that silly little plan of yours.
Which one?
About blowing up the White House.
Oh Mom! I was only fooling! Besides, what would the president say?

28) You thought me beautiful once.
Honey, you got real ugly!

29) I am Torgo. I take care of the house while the master is away.

30) I expected to be scared on my wedding night, but nothing like this!